

The ADAPT-r ITN – Architecture, Design and Art Practice Training-research – aims to significantly increase European research capacity through a unique and ground-breaking research model. At its core is the development of a robust and sustainable initial training network in an emergent Supra-Disciplinary field of research across a range of design and arts disciplines – creative practice research. ADAPT-r ITN will train new researchers, increase supervisory capacity, create partnerships with SMEs in research projects, provide substantial opportunity for real-world testing of the research and real-world training, and introduce creative practice research methodologies to a new generation of practitioners.

This unique model will also enable ADAPT-r ITN to substantially leverage the number of doctoral candidates supported within the network, maximising higher degree training opportunities. The research that is produced through the ADAPT-r ITN will contribute to a wider research effort to increase knowledge, understanding and quality of research in practice based creative disciplines and its methods. The Marie Curie ITN funding will enable an existing bi-lateral research training relationship to be expanded to include multiple partners from across Europe to create a greatly enhanced international research training network with a long-term future.

The ADAPT-r ITN will address identified deficits in EU research training for creative disciplines. Through training creative practice researchers in the explication and dissemination of tacit knowledge and latent cognitive resources, the ADAPT-r ITN will make a substantive contribution to meeting EU 2020 priorities by building a new generation of creative practice researchers and research-led practitioners able to meet the complex and often competing demands of contemporary Europe. The ADAPT-r ITN will result in 40 Fellowships, 8 training conferences, a major research conference, a major exhibition, three key books, and a website providing public access to research and events.

The following books were completed within the framework of the project.

A PDF version of these books can be requested via our contact form.